how to prevent deactivated record programings from auto activate after reboot from power cut ?
my octogon sf8008 has 3 record programmings that should occur everyday.
but i dont need them for the moment.
so i just deactivated them.
it is fine like that.
until there is a power cut.
then when the power comes back my octagon retarts and suddenly it reactivate itself automatically all the record programming and they start recordong right away, until i notice the problem, then i deactivate them again (and all their occurences) and its fine until next power cut and the problem happens again.
how to correct that faulty behaviour ?
i have open pli 8.3 from march 2023.
one more question :
why is my octagon starts power ON after a reboot from power cut ?
how to change that behavious so that after a power cut and after a reboot it remains OFF ?
and one more question :
the default behaviour seems to be that my octagon stops any recording in case of any signal loss.
this is anoying me a lot, so how to chang that behaviour so that any recording will proceed until the timing i decided it to end even in case of any signal loss and whatever long is that loss ?