Good day!!!
There is a VU+ Duo2
(Firmware does not matter in this case. I tried different, and stock and OpenPLI 4, and with a variety of additional players and without them...). Stopped on OpenPli 4.
The problem with built-in and installed separately as a plug-in media player, and more precisely to his work with 3D movies.
The problem is the following:
When opening certain 3D movies, in formats : *.mkv , player does not define them as 3D, and then opens them as a simple film, i.e. on the screen two images (horizontally or vertically depending on the recording, i.e. the 2D image for the left eye + 2D image for the right eye ) and this is normal, as it should be, then I'm on TV include 3D mode and the TV converts these two 2D images that were in the simple mode, in one 3D - i.e. everything is OK here and not as it should be.
Issues arise with some movies in the same format *.mkv, player somehow recognizes this container 3D film, TV or monitor (TVs and monitors different) quickly, barely blinking, and the movie is displayed as a simple 2D, i.e. on the TV just one image, instead of a double (2D left eye + 2D for the right eye), i.e. in this case the TV has nothing to convert to 3D mode, because there is no second 2D and it turns out that, instead of 3D, I watch regular 2D, i.e. the receiver converted 3D image in 2D.
When these same files on the same TV, only on the receiver VU+ Ultimo, reproduced correctly and that and the other.
Channel NTV+ 3D displays without problems. There Anamorph SideBySide.
The video which was checked - Anamorphic stereo pair (Anamorph OverUnder)
Little references to the files (the files are about 6 GB, specially not cut and did not recode them all) :
Not working: http://obmennik.epnn...Ne_Rabotaet.mkv
As I already said, on Ultimo, on the computer... play correctly, as anamorphic stereo...
In the attachment text files by uploading data from MediaInfo.
Decide whether this problem??? (As I understand the problem appeared because of the new processor,which supports hardware decoding times as AVC streams, and 3D support)