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Member Since 11 Aug 2012
Offline Last Active 20 Oct 2012 11:41

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AAC-HE sound problem on et9000

22 August 2012 - 09:46

Hi guys,

I've recently bought an et9000 and after installing OpenPli 3 and connecting my usb SIANO dvb-t tuner, the receiver found the DVB-T and scanned all channels. All of them have fine quality Videos but the problem is on their sound. Nearly all of them have no sounds. It should be noted that the sound sometimes comes back to channel if I change the channels but it does not follows any specific rule. For example kindly see below:

Channel 1 (whitout sound) >> Channel 2 (with sound) >> Channel 1 (with sound) >> Channel 3 (without sound) >> Channel 1 (without Sound)!!

As I checked the other forums, AAC-HE problem is a general one in many kinds of Linux based receivers such as dreambox. Someone told that with CCcam it should be solved, but in my case, it did not help at all. The most interesting thing is when I activate the timeshift with more than 4 sec delay the channel sound will come back!! (I found this solution among the other forum posts when I red that the recorded channels with aac-he format have sounds!) So there should be no problems of audio codec!

Finally it should be mentioned that the same problem exists with realtek dvb-t on my et9000 and there is no sound problem when I install my dvb-t on my friend VU+ Solo with the same OpenPli Image. So I think it should be a minor Image bug for et9000 which could be solved easily on comming versions.

Looking forward to hearing about this problems from experst.