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Member Since 21 Aug 2012
Offline Last Active 24 Nov 2013 01:03

Topics I've Started

Restart dreambox automatically?

23 November 2013 - 14:01

I notice that my DM600 degrades over time, i.e. when it hasn't been rebooted for a longer time, it will most have problems with certain channels, and sometimes show other symptoms, like a corrupted filesystem.


All these things go away when rebooting the box.


This is quite unpleasant when you have to restart during a good movie.


So I would like to have a cron job that restarts the box e.g. every morning at five (normally nobody is using the box then 8^)

Is there something like an at command for the DM 600?


Even better: is there a way to detect if someone is using the box at that time before rebooting? Of course I don't want to have an automatic reboot while I'm watching TV or the box is recording.


Hope there is a simple answer.

