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Member Since 30 Sep 2023
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In Topic: OpenPLi-py3

1 October 2023 - 20:12


The question is since f6032c1 means- after this version there are problems and f6032c1 still works, or f6032c1 no longer works?
Because ChoiceBox changes is after this version.


The last working version for me is 3.9+git20834+33cf2de-r0.0, version 3.9+git20873+f6032c1-r0.0 is the first version I discovered that is not working.


I use OpenBH 5.3.008 in flash of Vu+ Duo 4K. Few days ago I had BlackHole 3.1.0 in flash but I upgraded to OBH when I had noticed problems with openpli in openmultiboot.

In my openmultiboot (files are on internal hard  disk) I have another OBH 5.3 image (for "experiments"), OpenATV 7.3, OpenPLi 9.0-rc, openpli-develop recent version with enigma2 3.9+git20834+33cf2de-r0.0, VTi 15.0.02 and 2 another instances of openpli-develop based on version 20230919 (with different updates just for tests).

Openmultiboot plugin in OpenPLi is not fully functional - you cannot install any image with this plugin.


I have no logs from install or upgrade procedures, I just install images from downloaded .zip files or use opkg update/upgrade from console and then check if openmultiboot plugin shows installed/upgraded images.


If I could help to solve this problem I'm ready to do some other test and answer your question.



In Topic: OpenPLi-py3

1 October 2023 - 10:20

The problem is in enigma2 since version 3.9+git20873+f6032c1-r0.0 package - if I don't upgrade enigma2 package openpli-develop is present in openmultiboot start menu and in list of images in openmutiboot plugin.

Also on fresh installation of version 20230919 if upgrade ONLY enigma2 openpli-develop disappears from list of images when I open openmultiboot plugin.



In Topic: OpenPLi-py3

30 September 2023 - 10:53

Do not use openmultiboot as it is a fake multiboot and you now discovered why. In openpli 9.0 rc you have a real multiboot options (and other images have them also). Use that instead!

I'm sorry, but you didn't understand my question. I use openmultiboot for more than 4 years and I "played" with it tens od different E2 distributions and releases and I know about limitations of this extension. But for the first time I faced such a problem, that installed or upgraded "image" is missing in openmultiboot start menu. Of course I can spend hours to find out which one of the upgraded 43 packages in version 20230925 is responsible for this, but I was hoping to get help here. Was I wrong?



In Topic: OpenPLi-py3

30 September 2023 - 08:49



First of all I'd like to thank to all developers for their great work.


I use vu+ duo4k with openmultiboot (which is very usefull for me) and openpli-develop is one of the multiboot options for me and my favourite one. However, since version 20230925 openpli-develop is no longer working in Vu+ openmultiboot. Even if I upgrade older version (e.g. version 20230919) it is not present in openmultiboot starting menu and is not visible in openmultiboot plugin. Is it possible to fix this issue?

