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Member Since 22 Nov 2023
Offline Last Active 26 Nov 2023 18:28

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In Topic: Please help! - Xtrend ET7100 V2 Bootloader

26 November 2023 - 18:30

Why did you flash the bootloader?

I don't think there was ever a bootloader update for et7100 v2 for it to be released.
When I get mine, I can try to read the bootloader if it's possible and post it here.


USB flash wasn't working, and also it didn't booted when a flash was inserted (even a empty one)...

I've tried the Serial debugging and always when a flash stick was inserted in one of the USB ports it will throw an exception and say "rebooting" but stuck there...

I thought reflashing the bootloader would solve that, didn't paid enough attention though... and it is bricked now, the bootloader doesn't seem to exist anywhere no more... 

In Topic: Please help! - Xtrend ET7100 V2 Bootloader

24 November 2023 - 21:39

I’ll do my best to find the bootloader for the et7x00 for you.

Please wait a moment. I’ll check.


Edit: I found one but this one is older. Don’t know whether it will work on the 7100.


That is the false file I flashed... it's for 7000/7500 :(




Thanks, but also not there...