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Member Since 19 Dec 2023
Offline Last Active 04 Oct 2024 23:15

Posts I've Made


17 September 2024 - 20:55

I also tried to join 2 cables to see if there is any difference (because the main cable, receiver-motor is joined). The old motor was working OK... 

New motor doing: X SAT -> DVB-T -> Y SAT it doesn't move. Doing X SAT -> DVB-T -> X SAT and than Y SAT it's OK.

                            (9°E -> DVB-T -> 30°W it doesn't move. Doing  9°E -> DVB-T -> 9°E and than 30°W or any other position, it's OK)


17 September 2024 - 17:32

I discovered this: If I have SAT antenna for example pointing 16°E it moves E and W perfectly. If I go to DVB-T and then I go back to 16°E it is still working perfectly (moving E and W), but if I have SAT antenna for example on 16°E and I want to go directly from DVB-T to any other SAT (except 16°E) the motor is not moving. (Switching from DVB-T to any other SAT except the SAT where SAT antenna is currently pointing the motor is not moving.)

I still have the old motor and I connected with a cable (in my room without SAT antenna) and I repeated the same pattern the motor was moving. (For example: 30°W -> DVB-T -> 9°E) the old motor was moving without any issue. The new one (on the roof with SAT antenna) doing 30°W -> DVB-T -> 9°E it gets stuck.


Now I will make another test with old motor...


30 August 2024 - 14:01

Write me something about: the way you have the motor setup in the OpenPLi image. What should I try?


If I put a linear amplifier where the two parts of cable are connected (where the cut cable is rejoined) can I solve the problem? I read somewhere if there is a cable problem (cut cable) the first thing that doesn't work is USUALS protocol. If it is correct, I will try to use manual settings for each SAT. (I haven't try it yet).


Is there a factory reset for motor in OPENPLI? Or is it possible to delete (replace) some files in receiver which are in use for motor?


29 August 2024 - 22:52

At any position (randomly).13°E is my zero. Is the same moving E or W, sometimes it get stuck. It is the same, movimg from 13°E to 16°E (close SAT) or 28.2°to 80°E (apart SAT) or 5°W to 30°W (middle SAT). When it get stuck I have to select a chanel from HB (13°E) which is my zero and I have to go to POSITIONER SETUP to use GOTO 0 and than the motor will move E to W or vice versa for some hours, days...

Fracarro penta 85cm (Aluminium)

DiSEqC motor 1.2 1.3 to 120 cm satellite mirror bowl antennas motor 4K satellite motor- PREMIUM X


27 August 2024 - 02:10

Hi again.

Now I have problem with motor (or cable or software). I have USUALS for all sattelites (80°E-34,5°W). Sometimes the motor get stuck and it doesn't move. The only possibility is to make it move again is to go to  POSITIONER SETUP to use GOTO 0 and after that the motor is moving normaly for some hours, sometime for days to get once again stuck. The motor is new, it was changed last year. I use OPENPLI 9 but is the same with all images. Last year, the cable was cut by workers who made a new roof but the SAT technician rejoined it. All SATs work normaly (on the main SATs I have 100% signal, never get signal loss or any other trouble also the weaks SATs work like always.) What can I try? (The last thing is to change the motor).