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Member Since 4 Sep 2012
Offline Last Active 23 Jul 2020 12:27

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In Topic: TS Panel on vu+duo

18 October 2012 - 23:23

I am using TSpanel 6.5 on openpli 3 on a duo - downloaded from plugins/download/extensions

In Topic: no epg description in infobar since open pli 3.0

18 October 2012 - 22:55

Hi - i am running openpli 3.0 - cooltv 6.03 and crossepg and have a full epg including now and next - infact this was a key reason for me to move to openpli from BH.
I would try to delete/rename the epg.dat file and crosepg directory on your hard disk, download the epg again and restart enigma.
Only other thought is that you may need to set up a swapper file - but i havent worked out where to do that in openpli