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Member Since 28 May 2024
Offline Last Active 29 Jun 2024 05:35

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In Topic: ZGEMMA H8.2H

27 June 2024 - 12:48

So you want to delete transponders?


That isn't really going to work, as those transponders will remain present in the sattelites NIT table, which the scanner uses...


Simply make a bouquet with the channels your interested in, and ignore everything else being broadcasted, it is standard practice on an Enigma box.

I removed the transponders using filezila, it solved my problem, thank you.


Can you answer another question, my EPG takes a long time to load, and sometimes it only loads if I open the channel, is there any way to solve or speed this up?


Best Regards..

In Topic: ZGEMMA H8.2H

21 June 2024 - 23:27

Are you missing something?


We generate the xml on a daily basis ( the most recent is an hour old: https://github.com/O...tree/master/xml ), and 8.3 once a week.


If something isn't correct, it is better to correct the source ( so everyone can enjoy the fix ) then locally hacking it ( which gets overwritten on every software update ).

The 70w satellite has many frequencies from other countries. When I perform a search, instead of just channels from my country appearing, channels from the entire South American continent appear.

In Topic: Help ZGEMMA H8.2H

21 June 2024 - 05:49

Ok friend, and for the picons package, can you tell me the name of the plugin for the 70W satellite? And if after installing the plugin, I need to do some more configuration

In Topic: ZGEMMA H8.2H

21 June 2024 - 00:50

How do I edit, delete or add transponders ? Openpli 8.3

In Topic: ZGEMMA H8.2H

29 May 2024 - 03:38

Using it with PLi 9.0 - Develop now for several months and it does what it's supposed to.

Thanks friend, could you also tell me what zgemma's latest release is? I'll check if it's available