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Member Since 6 Jun 2024
Offline Last Active 07 Jun 2024 10:49

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openPli 9,0 and 8,3 PIP problem on Gigablue UE UHD 4k

6 June 2024 - 12:39

In the first PIP there is no problem. Later PIP is not done on the current channel; instead, previous channel is PIP ed.
Enigma restart temporarily solves the problem. Swap PIP, move PIP is OKEY.
It was OK at the start, for months. Later I had to change antenna and couldn't tune first. SNRs was bad, couln't tune to same channels.
I think the problem started then. Now I fixed the antenna, SNR s are OKEY.
Re scanned the channels, deleting previous, but problem is NOT solved!