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Member Since 5 Aug 2024
Offline Last Active 14 Aug 2024 19:11

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In Topic: Auto save and auto delete timeshift files

8 August 2024 - 15:32

Im still wondering what is so appealing about recording something you've already watched. You haven't really given a reason why this is so important for you.


Most people use timeshift either to be able to pause live TV (phone ringing, people at the door, urgent "business"), or to be able to rewind a few minutes to watch something again.


And I think a lot of people will become nervous if someone else can watch back the last 90 minutes of what they have watched.

Not what you watchet but what you missed as you have wrote 'phone ringing, people at the door, urgent "business"'. People doing many things watching tv and sometimes even 90 minutes is to short time to rewind.
What if someone changed channel 
during your urgent "business". Timeshift should recording in background all the time and an user shouldn't has in mind to remember to start recording.

In Topic: Auto save and auto delete timeshift files

7 August 2024 - 17:40

How I see this feature as an end user.
I don't care about the description of what is being recorded in timeshift. I don't care about an information which channels and which auditions are being recorded in timeshift. The idea is to record continuously what is being watched for a certain period of time, e.g. 90-120 minutes. That's all.
I am sadly surprised by the lack of this feature.
My family and I always watch vod, series on laptops. TVs are only for watching live channels. Until now, we only watched terrestrial channels without any box. So LG TVs with a 90-minute timeshift function are great for us. Timeshift works smoothly and no one cares about the description or the beginning, end of the audition or changing the channel. The timeshift recording is just one continuous recording needed only at the moment of watching and we have never had the need to save such a recording.

I hope you will rethink about the timeshift functionality. I see some questions about continuous timeshift on forums and in Google, so it is probably desirable.
Best regards Stachu99

In Topic: Auto save and auto delete timeshift files

6 August 2024 - 21:12

Is there any chance that Timeshift will have an option to record continuously for a period of time, e.g. 90-120 minutes, and switching channels should not stop the timeshift.
I have two LG TVs with timeshift. There is 90 minutes of what was watched available regardless of whether you switch channels or not.
This is a great feature and very often used by my family. 
I have been playing with OpenPLI 9 on a Zgemma decoder for 2 weeks and my family is disappointed that such a basic feature is not available.
Does anyone know how to get such functionality on OpenPLI or another system for Zgemma H9?