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Member Since 5 Sep 2024
Offline Last Active 10 Sep 2024 11:28

Posts I've Made

In Topic: error while loading shared libraries: libssl.so.3: cannot open shared object...

5 September 2024 - 18:37

german part ??

I wrote here in english so what do you want ?

Why german part of forum ?

In Topic: error while loading shared libraries: libssl.so.3: cannot open shared object...

5 September 2024 - 16:39

i have installed pli dev image

streamrelay works now ! Thanks


Other problem:


is there a plugin for start to standby , i cannot find in feed

Option in pli image start to standby is enabled, but box does not start in standby mode.

any solution ??

In Topic: error while loading shared libraries: libssl.so.3: cannot open shared object...

5 September 2024 - 15:37



stable release

In Topic: error while loading shared libraries: libssl.so.3: cannot open shared object...

5 September 2024 - 15:27

oscam conf


stream_source_auth_user       = icam
stream_relay_enabled          = 1
stream_relay_ctab             = 098C,098D,09C4


is this config right for openpli ???

In Topic: error while loading shared libraries: libssl.so.3: cannot open shared object...

5 September 2024 - 15:15

Today i  have installed openpli on gigablue ue 4k for testing purposes.

Also i have installed oscam-emu from feed

Steamrelay black screen, oscam reports no problems in log, but black screen, perhaps a demuxer problem..


With openatv or gigablue-team images no problem with oscam and streamrelay...


Is there a plugin to start in standby mode ?? cannot find plugin in feed start-to-standby ????

Have you an oscam with real icam support ?


Is there a way to speed up zapping between channel change ??