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Member Since 7 Sep 2024
Offline Last Active 10 Sep 2024 07:35

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In Topic: Vu + solo2 need tuner restart to run oscam everytime

8 September 2024 - 17:17

I know how it sounds .thanks for reply . I'm using cardshring website , tuner vu+ solo 2 openpli 7.3 , before on openpli 6.0 was no problem with connection to serwer , now i have to restart tuner to make cccam connected to sharing serwer , if i change channel to FTA and go back to encrypted channel its loosing connection and only restart receiver will meke this work then again . restarting only cccam with blue button wont work 



In Topic: Vu + solo2 need tuner restart to run oscam everytime

7 September 2024 - 18:53

im only beginner , if i turn on tuner from standby channels wont work , i have to restart tuner to make them work again  . 

timers are not recorded when tuner is in sleep mode because tuner needs restart every time