HI and in advance thank for any help you can give me im trying to mount a lamp server with lighthttp sqlite and php without succes i have runing well lighthttp and sqlite but no php
since php is not on enigma feeds or i didnt found it, i have managed to add a feed from openwrt with a similiar arch
this the src: releases/23.05.5/packages/arm_cortex-a15_neon-vfpv4/packages from archive openwrt (i cant place a link lol)
i added arm_cortex-a15_neon-vfpv4 to my arch.conf and opkg update works and find php, but i got dependecy problem with libc wicth i thing should be installed since the system use busybox and others that use it
if i force depends and checksum php is installed but the service never works
im a bit new so this franky try maybe is crazy if so i ask apologies lol
at this point i have no idea how to make php works on openpli any kind of light is apreciated, i know about another arm distros like armbian but not found anything for enigmas, so if you have info about any distro with enigma support i also apreciate it, im not using the deco in a couple of years so i was looking to use it as a ligh web server for a private cloud or something like that
thanks agains a sorry for my english
pd thats my arch.conf if help: