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Member Since 30 Sep 2012
Offline Last Active 05 Oct 2012 13:19

Posts I've Made

In Topic: View, Cut, edit movies on pc and keeping subtitles

30 September 2012 - 12:57

that was 12 min :P

Indeed it was!!

hehe... :unsure:

In Topic: View, Cut, edit movies on pc and keeping subtitles

30 September 2012 - 11:06

IT WORKS!! :rolleyes:
Thank You so mutch!!
Erik Slagter


In Topic: View, Cut, edit movies on pc and keeping subtitles

30 September 2012 - 10:54

I will do what you told me and try with vlc.

I will be back in 3 min!! ;)

Thanx for the fast reply!!