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Member Since Yesterday, 20:49
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Wanted: Open-PLI for AZbox Premium HD

Yesterday, 21:16

Hi there!


I have a AZbox Premuim HD. I know this box fell out of grace a long time ago!

I still use it, but I am really fed up with the buggy firmware.

A long time ago, I experimented with an Enigma version, I think it was Open-PLI. Back than it was hard to use because the remote control was useless (it worked but the key mapping made no sense). So, I went back to the original FW (after de-bricking it).

But now I want to give it another try, but can't find any image for it! So, my question is, is there a 'legacy repository' for old boxes??? Obviously I would like to use the latest 'stable' version if possible...


I hope someone can help. I am new here (just registered), so I hope I posted at the right spot!

