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Member Since 14 Oct 2012
Offline Last Active 11 Sep 2015 23:52

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[Belgium-Netherlands] Auto-update doesn't work

27 August 2015 - 20:38



I've read the forum and the FAQs, and I didn't find an exact answer to my problem.


Since I updated PLi to v4.0, my VU+ Duo has stopped auto-updating its EPG using the Rytec EPG updater. Instead, I have to use the manual updater each time. THis occurs about every 3-4 weeks, adn the cycle repeats itself.


I read on the FAQ that sometimes the updater doesn't work when coming out of deep standby. I'm not sure what deep standby means. In my case, the receiver starts up in about 3 seconds after pressing the power-on button on the remote control.


I've attached some screenshots showing the empty EPG, the EPG updater plugin configuration, and the rytec channel selection.


Many thanks,




EPG shows double entries for same TV program

30 July 2015 - 19:36



I recently updated my OpenPLi to v4.0. At the same time, I also installed the EPG Import plugin, which installed itself as the following plugin entries:

- xmltvimport (1.0+git45)

- xmltvimport-rytec (20150629-r0.0)

I have configured the EPG import to get the EPG data for Benelux and UK.


I now notice that on the EPG, some (not all) programs are displayed twice, time-shifted by about 10 minutes. I have attached a screenshot to show the effect.


I've also noticed a separate EPG Setting on the Setup -> System menu screen, with the following settings:

Enable EIT EPG: yes

Enable MHW EPG: no

Enable freesat EPG: yes

Enable ViaSat EPG: yes

Enable Netmed EPG: yes

Enable Virgin EPG: no

Maintain old EPG data for: 0


Is it possible that these settings are also updating the displayed EPG, so that some programs are displayed twice?

I don't even know what EIT, MHW, etc are or how they get their data, if that is their purpose.


Has anyone else seen this?




Na update 3.0->4.0, geen toegang naar TV Vlaanderen kanalen

19 July 2015 - 18:24

Hallo, kan iemand mij helpen?


Ik heb de OpenPLi versie op mijn VU+ Duo geupdated van 3.0 naar 4.0.

Nu heb ik geen toegang niet meer naar TVV kanalen. Ik heb toch wel toegang naar de Engelse posten.

Heeft dit probleem iets mee te maken met de registratie van mijn TVV kaart na de update?


Bedankt, Paul