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Member Since 22 Oct 2012
Offline Last Active 26 Nov 2015 21:59

Topics I've Started

MX-HD2-mode-ramiMaher Skin- hoe te installeren

19 November 2012 - 14:35


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Als dat te moeilijk is dan is er hier geen plek voor je.

Alternative Picons - where can I find them?

14 November 2012 - 17:44

Hi Everybody,

I have a DM500 HD with OpenPli 3.0 running. I'm using the PLi-Full-HD-Night skin.

I've wanted some picons for my channels, so I went to Menu-Applications, pressed the Green Button and searched in the folder dedicated for picons. The picons that are available have a white background while I was looking for transparent picons. There is the OCRAM transparent picons pack but that one is A) incomplete and B) it doesn't go well with the skin I'm using.

So does anyone know where I can get transparent picons that suits the PLi-Full-HD-Night skin?
