Apart from the options mentioned above, there is another solution to this 'problem'.
Due to the fact the PLI-team did a very nice job on the structure in their image, it is - in my opinion - quite easy to re-establish the cardserver functionality. Goto the directory: /etc/init.d and find the script file named: softcam.oscam. Copy this file and name it to: cardserver.oscam. Now, the cardserver 'OsCam' is selectable/restartable (again) in the softcam-menu like before . Please do remember - for your settings - the oscam directory is no longer: /etc/tuxbox/config/oscam-experimental but it has become: /etc/tuxbox/config/oscam.
I really hope the PLI-team keeps supporting the 'cardreader' option in the softcam menu because I have oscam as a cardserver in my ET9200 for my CD+ card and an additional DM500 in my spare room.
Kind regards,