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Member Since 23 Nov 2012
Offline Last Active 30 Nov 2012 16:35

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Dreambox DM7020HD: Please post your testresults in this topic!

25 November 2012 - 15:53

little update: 7020HD sees disc's under setup/system/Hard diisc menu.´, but but when tried to record or init, it wont do that and showing error message instead on all plugged discks...
"error: Timeout elapsed, sorry" is the answer.. disc is ok, removed it and all works fine.. added back and pain starts again.
there is no option format disc or install older image or manual install older image that worked.. all i can do is unplug device and wire to router and start over... that is boring..

In Topic: Dreambox DM7020HD: Please post your testresults in this topic!

23 November 2012 - 08:55

lost HDD and USB connection after 20 nov or 21 update.. can't remember, i have panic attack since then.. :D 500GB drive with 385GB full recordings...
tried to record to USB, but my 7020HD won't see any, but there's 2 of them connected... however my wifi working fine (original Dreambox usb)
right now copying my drive and if it's done someday, i will init HDD again (it deletes all recordings, that's my worry).
