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Member Since 8 Dec 2012
Offline Last Active 12 Jan 2014 18:22

Posts I've Made

In Topic: dm600pvr with mbox04

3 January 2013 - 18:14

Sorry, but my dm600 don't sestart the emu (mbox04), i put cccam and i changed de exe file for restart mbox whith the name cccam, but don't run, i start the emu always with telnet, at the emu panel show mbox, but don't run.
¿Someone can help-me?
Sorry for my very bad english, but i don't like the automatic translation.

In Topic: dm600pvr with mbox04

17 December 2012 - 12:59


In Topic: dm600pvr with mbox04

14 December 2012 - 18:34

Now, the emu restart, but not like a mbox, I put cccam and i change the executable file mbox in /usr/bin/ for cccam, but I think this is not the better solution.
Sorry for my very bad english

In Topic: dm600pvr with mbox04

12 December 2012 - 10:41


In Topic: dm600pvr with mbox04

9 December 2012 - 16:07

Hi, thanks for your answer.
Questions about what, if I have created an empty text file in / etc / plimgr / cams / called mbox, executable file called mbox and also this in / usr / bin, and run it manually just put on line mbox telnet command.
Not if it will, but I saw in / etc / plimgr / scripts / emusrv there was a line that said "EMUSCRIPTDIR = / var / etc / plimgr / scripts" and I changed "EMUSCRIPTDIR = / etc / plimgr / scripts".