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Member Since 2 Feb 2013
Offline Last Active 20 Feb 2016 21:07

Posts I've Made

In Topic: dreambox dvb-c tuner, is it possible to connect to the pc?

20 February 2016 - 21:03

Well... tried it. Guess not.

The computer didn't even want to boot up (acted like there was a short). 

It also doesn't lined up properly in the slot so access to the rear connections are blocked by the chassis. 


Too bad they are very cheap.

In Topic: hot.co.il site ini for webgrab

15 February 2016 - 23:42

fresh xmltv data: https://github.com/d...master/xmltvepg

In Topic: hot.co.il site ini for webgrab

15 February 2016 - 17:40


Thank you for your effort. 

I'll try to find a more permanent, easier to manage, way.

I don't want to trouble you too much with this.


For the meantime, I'll grab and update the data here twice a week until a solution can be found.

In Topic: hot.co.il site ini for webgrab

15 February 2016 - 17:24

Do you have a connection problem to hot site again?

The data disappeared. 

In Topic: Translations for Enigma 2: Please post them here!

9 February 2016 - 04:58

I will also try to add bidi support to enigma, and reverse the interface text direction.

Which files do I need to take a closer look at to achieve that?