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Member Since 8 Feb 2013
Offline Last Active 08 Apr 2018 19:57

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Dreambox DM500HD

8 April 2018 - 19:24


I am unable to flash the dreambox DM500HD

The box had openPli and during a SW update I switched the box off by mistake, that seem to have packe it up

I tried flashing the box with both original dreambox and with openpli firmwares but none worked

I used dreamp, it does connect to the box but when I try to flash nothing happens

Aldo tried to flash useing the dreambox interface with the box connected to the tv, pressing power button in the front, then switch box on and nothing happens

if I only press the power on the dreambox screen appears but nothing else

is the box dead or can it be recovered somehow?


Thank you!
