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Member Since 11 Feb 2013
Offline Last Active 07 Oct 2014 19:14

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iDreamX do not work with OpenPLi V4 ?

7 October 2014 - 12:14

iDreamX on Mac was working perfectly with OpenPLi V3. In OpenPLi V4 (last OpenPLi updated two days ago)  FTP to modify CCcam work fine but now way to connect for all others functions.   I got login name and password wrong.  They are correct « root » and no paswd. I never change it since year. And a test with Dcc on a PC confirm and show  « root » and no paswd.  


Do you get this problem ?  Any idea from where come the problem ?


I check iDreamX request enigma2 V1.7.1 my Clarke 9000 information say enigma2 dates 2014-10-6.


I try a test with Dreamdroid same problem.