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Member Since 14 Feb 2013
Offline Last Active 30 Jun 2015 11:53

Posts I've Made

In Topic: A very long restart enigma2

30 June 2015 - 11:48

Are months that the problem on SOLO2 .
You have to restart because the recordings often crashes.
To see the list , it takes 40 , 50 seconds. during playback appears for the spinner 20, 30 seconds. The bar looks 20, 30 seconds after pressing a button .
After the reboot for some time it works perfectly .
It seems like it locks on a loop , as even the closing for the reboot lasts 50 seconds.

In Topic: VU+ Solo2 Reporting a bug with media player.

3 February 2015 - 18:56

I always SOLO2.No problem with the recordings. The problems of jumping on mp4 and dvd.

In Topic: VU+ Solo2 Reporting a bug with media player.

3 February 2015 - 11:53

I confirm the problem, but no crashes. Similar problems with the dvd player.

In Topic: AVerMedia A835 AVerTV Volar HD (PRO): installation guide

21 January 2015 - 00:47

If you have a vu , look at my post A835 good news .

In Topic: Dvd external usb not recognized

8 January 2015 - 16:08

08/01/2015 opkg update & opkg upgrade, downloaded over other files softcam-support....ipk

updated and created files on /etc/init.d  ( more, purge )

Softcam setup, now works correctly