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Member Since 15 Feb 2013
Offline Last Active 13 Mar 2021 17:15

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Openpli 6.2 snr instead db

25 September 2018 - 09:41


Yesterday I´ve instaled openpli 6.2 (the latest) on my Formuler F4 Turbo.

I wanto to be displayed on the infobar, the strengh signal, in db and not in snr.

I´ve changed in setup and costumize, rebooted and still snr instead of db.

Can someone tell me the correct way to change it.


Another question.

After 15 years usind the remote of my dreambox 7020 (SD), that I keept using with DM 800HD, I really like the remote.

Is there a way to change in openpli to use it with my formuler f4 turbo?

