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Member Since 8 Dec 2007
Offline Last Active 24 Mar 2023 07:15

Posts I've Made

In Topic: zgemma H9S AVERMEDIA A867

8 November 2018 - 07:37

sorry I do not understand your solution.
I solved the problem with usb dtt avermedia a867
thank you

In Topic: Zgemma h9 wifi encryption

7 October 2018 - 17:13

sorry, my mock since you're talking about usb drivers. let's see if you can give me your name.
I have the s9 h9S, I can not make the digital key sky work: blue led,
someone to give me
thank you

In Topic: Vu + Duo und OpenPli 6.2: Boot Probleme mit DVB-T USB

7 August 2018 - 20:14

maybe you have problems with the USB port.
try another usb port.
Finally try a new feeder,
sometimes this is the problem

In Topic: Vu + Duo und OpenPli 6.2: Boot Probleme mit DVB-T USB

7 August 2018 - 16:53

sorry for my english.
must put drever usb (9035) no (A867)
  I have a vu vu2 and a vu vu 4k and with these drever I have no problems
  record 9035

In Topic: WorldVisionF1+

17 November 2017 - 20:46

sorry, I did not want to make a controversy. but only an image that I've always used. I ask you moderator and companions not to play to make a tera and spring thanks. : NB: I thank mimicry for her indemnity,

sorry, I did not want to make a controversy. but only an image that I've always used. I ask you moderator and companions not to play to make a tera and spring thanks. : NB: I thank mimicry for her indemnity,