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Member Since 8 Dec 2007
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In Topic: PLi 9 problem with registration

Yesterday, 20:41

I can confirm the text "Recording time has been set." is not being translated, even though the it.po file contains a valid translation string.


I switched from Italian to Dutch, and there it does show the translated string. Switching back to Italian and it displays the English string again.


Tested on the current develop build.

So confirm?

But the strange thing is that immediately after the English it starts in Italian.

In Topic: PLi 9 problem with registration

Yesterday, 20:30

I accidentally put 2 identical images above, here is the third.

In Topic: PLi 9 problem with registration

Yesterday, 20:17

I return to the discussion.
In practice, the 2 messages after starting the recording, the first in English and the second in Italian, occur on all the options as shown in the image except for the first current event option.

In Topic: PLi 9 problem with registration

10 December 2024 - 21:37

Another note, first in English then in Italian.

2 different items - first is instant recording "No limit" (=> 1 day), 2nd is instant recording "Stop after current event", imho. Press "REC" once (not as "long REC") and you will see all posibility.
I saw into It.po and all is translated well ...
What she says is correct but in my case I start a recording by inserting the minutes and the info appears first in English and 2 seconds later in Italian.

In Topic: PLi 9 problem with registration

10 December 2024 - 00:11

Another note, first in English then in Italian.