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Member Since 7 Mar 2013
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In Topic: 6.1 Release is public

10 January 2018 - 20:28

Thank you for your reply. I'll test it.

In Topic: 6.1 Release is public

10 January 2018 - 17:29

I run 6.1 on my 10K, very happily. Can I send you my waste basket? ;)

So what is my fault? I installed 6.1 using USB-stick. Everything works fine.
But in 2 of 3 cases I can't control the box after booting and have to make a cold start. Their are large characters. And this is annoying.
Yes, please send me your waste basket. Or tell me, what I can do to be as happy as you with your et10k.
Kindly regards, floydian

In Topic: 6.1 Release is public

10 January 2018 - 10:47

and 4.0 will be end-of-support soon.

And the owners of an et10k can smash their boxes into the waste basket... sad but true.
Sorry for ot. Floydian59

In Topic: No Openpli 6 for et-10000?

25 October 2017 - 19:51

rc6 runs on two 10k boxes here with me without any problems.
So thank you for your advice. I'll go back.

Regards, floydian

In Topic: No Openpli 6 for et-10000?

25 October 2017 - 19:01

So we et10k users should flash back to OpenPli 4. Am I right?