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Member Since 12 Dec 2007
Offline Last Active 01 Jan 2025 14:18

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In Topic: petition

23 April 2013 - 09:44

then stays dead this chapter


In Topic: petition

22 April 2013 - 21:59

The gigablue hardware might be quite interesting, but the driver quality is not up to scratch.
If we were to support the gigablue, we would be sending the signal that the quality is up to what we expect of an stb, which I'm afraid it isn't.

Also, if you are a user, and you expect that getting OpenPLi support is going to make your gigablue receiver more stable, well, it isn't.
We just build the distribution and the userinterface, we cannot improve the hardware drivers, and we cannot (and will not) work around flaws in those.
And if you are a salesperson or distributor and hope to get OpenPLi support to boost your sales, well, that's not going to happen. We will not support a receiver if it is not up to our standards.

We only build images for receivers which we think are good enough to put in our own livingrooms, and trust with our own valuable recordings.

not the salesperson and I do not care

you say,I'm sorry but I can not agree ... to make a comparison  gigablue 800SE and dm800SE? do not think,and examples can continue

I said I have some years in this hobby and I know enough


sorry to not give a chance to other receivers .. but interests :)

you say it's not passion, it's business

I am a user and not ditch one who wanted to provide support for giga openpli but I think I got something really knew

thanks again

In Topic: petition

22 April 2013 - 21:36

another team can use our OpenPLi sources as base

all images for gigablue are based gigablue openpli 3.0



In Topic: petition

22 April 2013 - 15:59

ok, once again thank you for your attention
I was talking to the team gigablue fell as possible
If they are interested you could do anything?

Thanks for all the answers


I can be the first beta tester :)) for you

In Topic: petition

22 April 2013 - 13:52

understand, but it's sad, new users have to suffer, I know how it is with passion, are in this hobby for 7 years
why I chose giga? choose alternative all the time, it's too big deal for VU and DMM
as it is for you passion and for me too.....not a business
for others

for an old receiver that still do dm500 images (a good job) ... this is life :))) but why not for giga? .... :))

ok, thanks for the replies


have a nice day and excuse my english