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Member Since 21 Mar 2013
Offline Last Active 10 Oct 2016 19:58

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In Topic: Pli-SoftcamSetup mod

16 September 2013 - 15:07




doesn't work properly with new firmware images.

can anyone help, please.

What does not work?

I have a DM800se, with an installed PLI.

With the latest /15-20/images of V3, and the new ones of V4 the same thing happens.

I have an installed /enigma2-plugin-pli-softcamsetup_3.0-r2_mips32el/ using cccam and oscam.

The default cam is cccam, and the secondary is oscam.

When I switch to a satellite with oscam everything is fine, but if I choose a satellite with cccam, the the cccam doesn’t turn on. It only works when I use restart cam.

I reinstalled the whole image, but the result is the same.

The problem in the script to start /stop cccam, and not the plugin.

Before having this problem, after installation everything was fine. What do I have to change now with the newer image versions to make it work?

what is your recommendation? please.



In Topic: Pli-SoftcamSetup mod

15 September 2013 - 20:42


doesn't work properly with new firmware images.

can anyone help, please.

What does not work?

I have a DM800se, with an installed PLI.

With the latest /15-20/images of V3, and the new ones of V4 the same thing happens.

I have an installed /enigma2-plugin-pli-softcamsetup_3.0-r2_mips32el/ using cccam and oscam.

The default cam is cccam, and the secondary is oscam.

When I switch to a satellite with oscam everything is fine, but if I choose a satellite with cccam, the the cccam doesn’t turn on. It only works when I use restart cam.

I reinstalled the whole image, but the result is the same.

In Topic: Pli-SoftcamSetup mod

14 September 2013 - 19:09


doesn't work properly with new firmware images.

can anyone help, please.