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Johnny Dopp

Member Since 11 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active 22 Nov 2023 15:35

Topics I've Started

Where to send error logs ?

4 March 2015 - 12:34



The error logs tell to send them to "forum at www.openpli.org" but it seems that this email address does not work. I get a "Delivery to the following recipients has been delayed." message.

Where can we send the error logs? I do not dare to send them directly on the forum since it may cause spam if everybody would do this.


Thank you !

Tuner problem since last updates

6 February 2015 - 18:25



Since I updated yesterday, I am experiencing an issue with my tuners.


I am running OpenPli 4.0 on a Vu+ Duo 2, with 2 SAT tuners 


When I try to stream another channel on my PC through webif or on my dreambox using Remote stream converter, nothing happens.

I see the tuner B is occupied on the vu+, since it is yellow on the info screen, but nothing happens on the other device.

Same thing when trying with transcoding.

It used to work perfectly before.


Anyone know where it might come from ?


Thanks !

Transcoding language ?

4 February 2015 - 16:38

Is it possible to set a default language for transcoding through Vu+ Duo 2.


Eg : Get the english track when watching a movie on a german channel ?


For now, I can only get the first channel, even if "original" is set as the first track it should use.



Restart enigma issue

30 January 2015 - 16:28



I am using OpenPli 4 on a Vu+ Duo 2 and since the last big updates (end of november), I am experiencing issues when trying to restart the box or enigma. It happens as well when I just try to restart without updating.


What happens is I get stuck on the black screen with the "Your receiver is restarting. It may take a couple of minutes" message. The waiting wheel spins for a couple of seconds then nothing. I waited for a very long time but I have to reboot manually with the switch then.


I realised that it happens when the box has been working for a long time. For instance, if I get stuck, manually reboot and then try to restart enigma, it works !


I do not know if it helps, but I have a usb key plugged for the permanent timeshift (so it does not use the HDD). It caused issues in the past with former OpenPli releases.


There is no crashlog created when it happens.


Someone help ? Thank you !

Open webif issue ?

13 November 2014 - 17:37


I'm experiencing an issue with openwebif. Here is what I get when trying to access it :
I am running OpenPli 4.0 last version on DM800se.
web.Server Traceback (most recent call last):
exceptions.TypeError: %d format: a number is required, not str
/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/twisted/web/server.py:189 in process
/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/twisted/web/server.py:238 in render
/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/OpenWebif/controllers/base.py:143 in render
142 if self.withMainTemplate:
143 args = self.prepareMainTemplate()
144 args["content"] = out
/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/OpenWebif/controllers/base.py:190 in prepareMainTemplate
189 if not ret['boxname'] or not ret['customname']:
190 ret['boxname'] = getInfo()['brand']+" "+getInfo()['model']
191 ret['box'] = "dmm"
/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/OpenWebif/controllers/models/info.py:364 in getInfo
363 else:
364 iecsize = "%d MB" % size
exceptions.TypeError: %d format: a number is required, not str
Any idea where it might come from ?
I am running Openpli on another VU+ DUO2 and I'm not experiencing any issue with latest updates.
Thanks !