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Member Since 14 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active 12 Nov 2013 17:31

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Openpli 3.0 only kernel 3.6

9 November 2013 - 01:12

Consider this solved.


I was missing 2 feeds




Now i am at the latest kernel.

In Topic: Openpli 3.0 only kernel 3.6

9 November 2013 - 01:00



i checked my et4000 with openpli 3.0


uname -a
Linux et4x00 3.8.7 #1 Tue Oct 1 03:53:22 CEST 2013 mips GNU/Linux
there is the 3,8.7 kernel.

In Topic: How to show 3rd-party packages in plugin installer

18 April 2013 - 17:51

That was it! Works like a charm now!

Many thanks.


This should maybe go to the wiki...

In Topic: How to show 3rd-party packages in plugin installer

18 April 2013 - 13:46

Thanks! I will try that!

I let you know how it went.

In Topic: How to show 3rd-party packages in plugin installer

18 April 2013 - 13:23

Hi Milo,


Thanks for your help!

on the console it works flawlessly


I added my fnpanic.conf into /etc/opkg with this content:


src/gz fnpanic http://vm001.fnpanic.lab.net/feed


(this is an internal machine)


when i run 


opkg update


it gets the packages.gz and adds the list of packages to /var/lib/opkg/fnpanic


i can now search packages with


opkg list | grep packagename


and install the packages with


opkg install packagename


The problem is that the plugin installer in the enigma2 gui (i am running openpli 3.0 on a et6000) it only shows packages which are in




How can i make the installer also include the /var/lib/opkg/fnpanic ?

Hope that info helps to solve the problem.


