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Member Since 28 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active 04 May 2013 10:00

Topics I've Started

Bouquets list,

28 April 2013 - 21:40

Hello to the Forum,


I have just joined!!


I have only been using neutrino up till now, but i have aquired a dm7000 and neutrino support is sh1te.


Pli looked good and i'm up and running in no time.


Ok so on to the question:-


while setting up Pli for the first time it asks "single or multiple sat's"

I selected single- everything went well.


Now when i click OK button it gives me the option of selecting all services, sat, providers, bouq's

As i have already selected 1 sat only why doesnt it go straight to the Bouq list,

What have i done wrong? and or how easy is this to achieve,


