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Member Since 6 May 2013
Offline Last Active 02 Dec 2018 19:21

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In Topic: OpenPLi-4 / Gstreamer 1.7.1 (master git) images 2016-01-05

9 January 2016 - 17:20


Would it be possible for you to do the following?

Login using telnet and type: lsmod | grep rt

Then paste the output here.

I'd like to know which wifi kernel module is loaded.


There are a few that ship with Taapat's drivers and a few from OE-A.

I need to know which one has been loaded :)


MastaG the answer to the command lsmod | grep rt from your image.


[H[Jroot@spark:~# [6n
lsmod | grep rt

rt5370sta             546700  0
smartcard              25168  0

In Topic: OpenPLi-4 / Gstreamer 1.7.1 (master git) images 2016-01-05

8 January 2016 - 13:20

Here is the answer from the image of Taapat from your I can not take because it is not possible
It connects via lan not working on the router.



Module                  Size  Used by
cifs                  177072  0
nfs                   106644  1
lockd                  44480  1 nfs
sunrpc                127180  6 lockd,nfs
cec                    21900  2
zram                    7816  1
bpamem                  2724  0
smartcard              25668  0
silencegen               708  0
platform                 556  0
stmalloc                2188  0
sth264pp                5420  0
player2               532184  2 sth264pp,stmalloc
stm_monitor             7268  1 player2
stmdvb                110096  27 player2
pti                  1868944  1 stmdvb
stv090x                66548  1 stmdvb
pseudocard             12436  2 stmdvb,player2
stm_v4l2                7744  1 stmdvb
p2div64                 1336  3 stv090x,stm_monitor,player2
ksound                  7476  1 player2
mmelog                  1468  0
avs                    24596  1 stmdvb
mme_host               23560  4 mmelog,stm_monitor,player2,silencegen
embxshm                19496  0
embxmailbox             5412  1 embxshm
embxshell              16956  3 embxmailbox,embxshm,mme_host
rt5370sta             584016  1
hso                    21876  0
rfkill                  5792  2 hso
cdc_acm                11576  0
option                 12784  0
usb_wwan                5244  1 option
usbserial              21596  2 usb_wwan,option
stmfb                  39088  3 stmdvb
stmcore_display_sti7111   142
600  5 pseudocard,stmdvb,player2,cec
e2_proc                11344  3 stmdvb,player2,cec
simu_button              952  0
aotom                  43768  0


In Topic: OpenPLi-4 / Gstreamer 1.7.1 (master git) images 2016-01-05

8 January 2016 - 10:35

Hello MastaG today received crashlog when setting up the wi fi network, receiver on the platform 7111.
adapter rt5370

In Topic: OpenPLi-4 / Gstreamer 1.7.0 (master git) images 2015-12-13/14

15 December 2015 - 16:51

Good afternoon, there is the question of the image on the platform 711 possible in the next release update driver wifi, namely, to take them to the image of Taapat, but it turns on its image working wifi, and your no, no opportunities for the full check on the performance of your image .

In Topic: Winter boot logo?

1 March 2015 - 21:14
