There is a similar topic running in the OpenSpa forum "No funciona teclado en menús de configuración"
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In Topic: Is it just me - remote control not allowing me to alter settings
6 July 2013 - 00:35
In Topic: Is it just me - remote control not allowing me to alter settings
5 July 2013 - 01:30
Yes, If I was requesting a resolution to the problem, but I don't think my grasp of Spanish is quite up to the mark. However, I wasn't, I was replying to the original post "Is it just me?". Hope this clarifies, thanks
In Topic: Is it just me - remote control not allowing me to alter settings
4 July 2013 - 13:34
Yes, Spaze is based on Openpli so it seems to be any Vu with a pli image
In Topic: Is it just me - remote control not allowing me to alter settings
4 July 2013 - 01:43
No it's not just you. Still not working today on VU+ ultimo with Spaze image
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