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Member Since 13 May 2013
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In Topic: Timeshifting problems with OpenPLi 3.0

15 August 2013 - 11:56

Hi betacentauri,


Have done ten years of object-oriented programming but I stopped long, and I don't know Python, but why not (for simple things...)

In short, a perfect timeshifing for me would be as follow :

  • a timeline with ability of putting marks and skip during the timeshift (as TopField does). But just activating a timeline would already be great.
  • before zap, save the buffer to a fixed name (does not seem very complex, is it ?)
    At the next zap, erase the saved buffer, and save the current buffer to the same fixed name, and so on (I drop the idea of ​​the penultimate buffer)

I'll take a look at the python sources.

In Topic: Timeshifting problems with OpenPLi 3.0

14 August 2013 - 07:53

Hi betacentauri, and thank you very much for your help.

To your question: Not exactly. But it's a first step towards this.

So we could try together ;-).

I have also made a patch to jump from one mark to another while timeshift is running. But it's currently not so nice, because you don't see a timeline. But perhaps this can also be changed...

Exact. I was just wondering why we do not see a timeline when using timeshifting. Is it possible to add a timeline on the top of the screen (as PTS does...) ?

To your other question. You can activate a messagebox in the settings which asks you whether you want to change the channel and loose timeshift buffer or not. So it's not sooo easy to loose the buffer. The messagebox is currently only shown when you once have used timeshift. This is for me sufficient.


Yes, of course I've set this setting on, but however, I still think that a automatic backup of the buffer and of the previous buffer would be great.

The problem is just here, as you said "The messagebox is currently only shown when you ONCE have used timeshift.". For example, your daughter jumps on the sofa and sits on the remote (life example...).


I previously use "AltShift", made by the famous gutemine, but it does not work anymore with OpenPli. It recorded all, without worrying events, and erased automatically after some time.

Unfortunately, the new PTS, AFAIK, uses events when you use the beta setting "Enable Permanent Recording". So you can have your TV show cutted in two parts, because of the poor reliability of the EPG (at least in France).

If possible, could you tell me what to change to make a copy of the buffer just before the zap ?

In Topic: Timeshifting problems with OpenPLi 3.0

13 August 2013 - 07:55

Push. Is Pli team interested in this patch?

I didn't check, whether applying

 patch still works. If you are interested I can check it again.


Here's a new patch which generates .cuts files when timeshift files are stored.


Hi everybody,


This is my first post on your forum. Be forgiving because English is not my native language...

I read all this thread because i'm very interested in timeshifting. I owned (like littlesat ?) an old TopField TF-4000 with a very good and intuitive timeshifting. It was possible to insert "marks" to easily rewind in the buffer.


@ betacenauri :: Is it the purpose of this patch ? If yes, I'm interested to test.


An other nice feature would be to save the buffer and the penultimate buffer (giving them a fixed name) before deleting them.

So, we will have a chance to save it in case of mishandling (this may happen, isn't it ?).


NB : I do not use anymore PTS plugin, but only the builtin timeshit with autostart enabled. I only regret the search bar at the top of the screen.