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Member Since 19 May 2013
Offline Last Active 04 Dec 2014 10:19

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Help flashing vu+ duo with OpenPLi 3.0 - complete newbie

19 May 2013 - 09:09

Hi there,


I'm quite a newbie and hopefully my questions are pretty simple.  I've had a vu+duo for about 3-4 years and it is currently running OpenPLi 2.0.  I noticed about a year ago that I could no longer download or install plugins and that the packages it was looking for were no longer there, I assumed this was because the image I have is out of date, would this be the case?


After trying the system updates I figured the next obvious step would be to upgrade to the latest image.  After a fair bit of reading, which I think I understand most of, I believe I can download the new bootloader and OpenPLi 3.0.zip and prepare a couple of usb drives and then flash the bootloader and then flash the image.  Am I correct so far?


My concerns with doing this are what I am going to lose from my current system by doing this?  I know that is probably a stupid question, I assume I will lose all my current plugins etc and all of my stored channels and satellite settings but all my recordings will be fine.


Is there anything I need to watch out for that could 'brick' my vu+duo?  Both the bootloader and image I see I can obtain for the vu+ duo from this site.  It all seems like quite a straight forward process but I want to make sure it is...otherwise I will have my wife to answer to.


Thanks for any help or reassurance anyone can provide.