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Member Since 12 Jun 2013
Offline Last Active 16 Oct 2023 05:38

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In Topic: Pli-SoftcamSetup mod

19 January 2014 - 11:43

The forum is called

[EN] Third-Party Development
Discussions about scripts, plugins, enigma modifications, C++, Python, ...


so technically @sat-ire is right, it is not clear what we mean by it. This forum started as an internal developer forum, when it changed to a public forum the description simply wasn't changed.

Thanks WanWizard.


As a newbie I can only judge a forum by its title after all.


And, as I said, I hadn't ever used this image before because autocam wasn't supported so I went directly to a third party developer in the belief that a modification had been found.


I now also find that cccaminfo greenscreens and refuses to uninstall!

In Topic: Pli-SoftcamSetup mod

18 January 2014 - 13:08

Not an openpli developer...


The plugin's developer (obviously)  :rolleyes:


What's with all the semantics in these parts?  :D

ANd as it's a "Third Party" development forum why would you think I think he's an openpli developer 

In Topic: Pli-SoftcamSetup mod

18 January 2014 - 13:07

Not an openpli developer...


The plugin's developer (obviously)  :rolleyes:


What's with all the semantics in these parts?  :D

In Topic: Pli-SoftcamSetup mod

17 January 2014 - 18:28

This is not a third party support forum, it's a development forum. For people wanting to develop something, and want assistance.


I don't think anyone has said that we would do something to prevent a user from doing with his STB what he wants. We don't care.

What I said was that we don't think it's a good idea (for a lot of reasons already given), and therefore we are not going to make it for you.

You might need to change the name of the forum then because it's misleading ;)


My questions were directed at the developer, so not only have I already made up my mind that I want it (and explicitly mentioned I already use a version in another image and that it's a must-have for me), the developer obviously also feels there is a demand for it.

In Topic: Pli-SoftcamSetup mod

17 January 2014 - 16:18

As enigma2 is designed for more tuners and switching emus may destroy recordings this feature is in fact a nogo... You don't want corrupted recordings... I also see now reason why this is really required...

I should think the choice should be mine - and others - to make?


I do see reasons why it is really required.


Blackhole includes it - it works very well on that image.


FYI I'm already aware of the "official party-line" on the matter, it's the reason why I never used PLI in the past.


So, I assume that these last two replies (in what I thought was a third party support forum?) means you will (for some reason) do your best to not make this plugin possible rather than allow users of the image a choice whether or not to install it themselves?