Hello to all,
I explain you in a few words the situation.
I have a Vu+ DUO² with 2 hybrid tuners DVB-C/T, both configured in DVB-T mode.
The tuner A is linked to a small indoor active antenna.
The tuner B is linked to the internal distribution of the building (the DVB-T standard was chosen as the internal distribution of the building because modern TVs are equipped with a DVB-T tuner).
When I make a manual scan on the tuner A and the tuner B, all the channels are found well on both tuners.
With the parameter "Preferred tuner" on "Auto": when I display the channels of the tuner A, I have no problem.
On the other hand, as soon as I want to display the channels of the tuner B, I obtain the message "tune failed" (it stays on the tuner A).
But with the parameter "Preferred tuner" set to "Tuner B", I get the message "tune failed" with the tuner A and it is then OK for the channels of the tuner B (which is correct).
Would it be possible to leave the preferred tuner on "Auto" and to have an automatic switch of tuner?
Would you know Where and how to indicate in the file "lamedb" which tuner to use for each service?
Best regards,