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Member Since 29 Dec 2006
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In Topic: Subs support plugin OpenPli9

30 November 2023 - 21:41

OpenPLi develop and 9.0 uses subssupport from oe-mirrors repository while the original author is mx3L and he has it's own repo (used in <=8.3 release). The problem is, mx3L is not active in development anymore and he only sometimes accepts pull requests. And there are many forks and private modifications without source code, so there is a lot of mess in available versions. Every version supports "some feature", but there is no "perfect one".

Subssupport just needs new developer who will maintain it and pushes it forward. A similar status applies also to serviceapp and exteplayer3.

In Topic: Nightly OpenPli problem with subsuport

20 November 2023 - 15:18

Good to know. Thank you for info.

In Topic: Nightly OpenPli problem with subsuport

19 November 2023 - 10:49

The updated version is still not in feed. I have no idea how update server works. Do you need to force rebuild for subs support package? Because version of package and the git revision package is build from is still the same. Only .bb file was changed.

Odoslané z SM-S901B pomocou Tapatalku

In Topic: Nightly OpenPli problem with subsuport

15 November 2023 - 20:34

I've tested it and I haven't found any problem. Menu keys works as expected and I've seen no crash. Current version in release doesn't work, so please do backport. Thanks.

In Topic: Nightly OpenPli problem with subsuport

14 November 2023 - 22:16

Thank you. If it's possible, then please merge this change also to release-9.0 branch, because there is also this problem (where I noticed it).