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Member Since 17 Feb 2008
Offline Last Active 24 Jul 2024 22:33

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In Topic: symbol rate en FEC veranderen automatisch naar oude setting

21 July 2024 - 14:04

satellieten.xml kan in twee modi worden gebruikt:
1, wordt het bestand bijgewerkt door de teamgroep - /etc/tuxbox/satellites.xml
2, het bestand wordt door de gebruiker zelf bijgewerkt - /etc/enigma2/satellites.xml
/etc/enigma2 heeft voorrang op /etc/tuxbox als beide bestanden worden gebruikt
maar ze hebben geen invloed op de verandering van lamedb (alleen tijdens actief scannen)
maar er zijn plug-ins voor het beheren van SkyUK die niet afhankelijk zijn van de werkelijke status op de satelliet
satellites.xml can be used in two modes:
1, the file is updated by the team group - /etc/tuxbox/satellites.xml
2, the file is updated by the user himself - /etc/enigma2/satellites.xml
/etc/enigma2 takes precedence over /etc/tuxbox if both files are used
but they do not affect the change of lamedb (only during active scanning)
but there are plugins for managing SkyUK that are not dependent on the real state on the satellite

In Topic: BBC/ITV at Telstar 12 Vantage 15.0°W - Reception report

10 June 2024 - 12:29

I have installed Oscam and softcam file with current biss key, but there are not clearing. I also heard I need to modify lamedb file, can anyone supply a working lamedb for these channels?


In Topic: Enigma2 and BBC/ITV at 27.5W Intelsat - a big challenge

22 May 2024 - 22:41

Simply put, the f:400 decodes the PMT pid, so all PIDs from the PMT are available

In Topic: Record complete transport stream.

18 May 2024 - 19:06

Although dvbsnoop will show that PID 0 is also present
root@osmio4kplus:~# dvbsnoop -s pidscan
dvbsnoop V1.4.56 -- https://github.com/OpenVisionE2/dvbsnoop
Transponder PID-Scan...
PID found:    0 (0x0000)  [SECTION: Program Association Table (PAT)]
PID found:   16 (0x0010)  [SECTION: Network Information Table (NIT) - actual network]
PID found:   20 (0x0014)  [SECTION: Time Date Table (TDT)]
PID found:  512 (0x0200)  [SECTION: DSM-CC - private data section  // DVB datagram]
PID found:  600 (0x0258)  [SECTION: User private]
PID found:  621 (0x026d)  [SECTION: User private]
PID found: 1020 (0x03fc)  [SECTION: ATSC reserved]
PID found: 1021 (0x03fd)  [SECTION: ATSC reserved]
PID found: 8190 (0x1ffe)  [unknown]
dvbstream does not accept it :(
root@osmio4kplus:~# dvbstream 0 16 20 512 600 610 621 630 1020 1021 8190 -o >27W11611V.ts
dvbstream v0.5 - (C) Dave Chapman 2001-2004
Released under the GPL.
Latest version available from http://www.linuxstb.org/
Setting filter for PID 16
Setting filter for PID 20
Setting filter for PID 512
Setting filter for PID 600
Setting filter for PID 610
Setting filter for PID 621
Setting filter for PID 630
Setting filter for PID 1020
Setting filter for PID 1021
Setting filter for PID 8190
Output to stdout
Streaming 10 streams
Attached File  27W_file_dvbstream.png   50.66KB   0 downloads
if the file also contains PID 0, the SID is also available
Attached File  27W_file_merge.png   51.24KB   0 downloads

In Topic: Record complete transport stream.

17 May 2024 - 10:08

If I use this it shows 9 pids streaming

root@osmio4kplus:/usr/bin# ./dvbsnoop -s pidscan| ./awk '/PID found/ { print $3 }' | ./xargs ./dvbstream -ox.ts
dvbstream v0.5 - (C) Dave Chapman 2001-2004
Released under the GPL.
Latest version available from http://www.linuxstb.org/
Setting filter for PID 16
Setting filter for PID 17
Setting filter for PID 36
Setting filter for PID 37
Setting filter for PID 38
Setting filter for PID 1347
Setting filter for PID 2098
Setting filter for PID 2099
Setting filter for PID 5632
Streaming 9 streams
^CCaught signal 2 - closing cleanly.

If I use this, I get no information about the pids, nor does the file get created

root@osmio4kplus:/usr/bin# ./dvbsnoop -s pidscan| ./awk '/PID found/ { print $3 }' | ./xargs`./dvbstream -o>full.ts

Any idea why?