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Member Since 6 Jul 2013
Offline Last Active 15 Nov 2014 01:50

Posts I've Made

In Topic: MetrixHD mod by Taykun345

13 July 2013 - 11:49

5 days passed and no answer, nice! Thanks anyway!

In Topic: MetrixHD mod by Taykun345

8 July 2013 - 13:17

Weather bar could be added but because it is limited to only a few countries, I wont add it.
Have you looked here? http://mymetrix.de/#MetrixWeather
I test this skin and it's awesome, before this skin I always use DM Conicity, and the only thing that is missing is the weather. If you can add this feature to the info bar of this skin I thank you. Thanks.

In Topic: DMConcinnity-HD-m-mod

6 July 2013 - 19:52

Can't edit previous post so I had to create a new one, I change the .py file and restart GUI and restart dreambox, but the weather is not from my city, can you help me please? Thanks.

In Topic: DMConcinnity-HD-m-mod

6 July 2013 - 19:31

DMConcinnity-HD-m-mod ver.0.6 [test on Open PLi 2.1 [oe 1.6] and Open PLi 3.0[oe 2.0]

 attachicon.gif1.jpg  attachicon.gif2.jpg  attachicon.gif3.jpg


How add Weather:


1. Visit 


2. Enter your city and give search...

3. Copy ID

Your MetrixWeather ID:
"your ID"

4. Connect to FTP with a tuner and go to / usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/Renderer

5. Edit MetrixWeatherUpdater.py  

6. In verse 36 switch the ConfigNumber (default = "497326") to its previously generated


"example in screen"



7. Save and restart the GUI



opkg install -force-overwrite /media/usb/...skin name....ipk




Hello, I'm new to OpenPli, I install your skin and try to add weather, but I don't know how! I have your latest skin installed, installed the file above but there is no file in that directory and no weather is show in infobar, can anybody help me please! 




EDIT: Had to force overwrite, ;)