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Member Since 11 Aug 2013
Offline Last Active 31 May 2020 18:40

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In Topic: Unrecognised symbols for some channels

2 January 2017 - 12:13

Now it works just fine. Thank you very much!
Will it work for every satellite?

In Topic: Unrecognised symbols for some channels

2 January 2017 - 09:37

I have found encoding.conf file in 0:/usr/share/enigma2/ folder (attached, changed extension from config to txt).

Can you please provide me with exact instruction how to edit this file and what to add to it.

This so called EPG came from Horizons 2/Intelsat 15 (85.0E), 12160 H, tp 12K, DVB-S, SR 28800, FEC 3/4.