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Member Since 12 Aug 2013
Offline Last Active 13 Aug 2013 23:42

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In Topic: Plugin ExtraChannelSelection

12 August 2013 - 22:13

@a.k.a. Uchkun

It is more likely for the infinite monkey theorem to become reality than for you to come up with 95% of code exactly identical to Dr.Best's without ever having a look at his modifications to the channelselection.

And I do not need any further proof for your lack of integrity and character as you have already shown us your true colors beyond any reasonable doubt.





Anyway.. I applaud the PLi team for their open-minded approach to this subject :)

In Topic: Plugin ExtraChannelSelection

12 August 2013 - 11:27

I usually do not participate in futile discussions like this, but sometimes one can't help oneself..
So the issue of actual copyright aside, let's talk about coder ethics. Ever heard of "credit where credit is due"?


I am as much for the Open Source Movement and the freeing of information as the next guy.

For me the affront lies within copying and pasting 95+% of the original code without ever asking/mentioning/thanking the original author. In what strange world is that acceptable to anyone?

@a.k.a. Uchkun
It's people like you who will be the ultimate downfall of the E2 scene.
Your shenanigans have been found out and instead of coming clean and apologizing for your wicked ways, you embarrass yourself even further by insisting that you worked out the code all by yourself.. over the course of 6 months..
Instead of countering the original authors claims (e.g. that you even magically [pun intended] came up with the same magic number and all your methods are in the same order) with actual facts, you reply with empty phrases ("you are not the only one who can calculate") that contain no information whatsoever to exonerate you.

You do not provide proof for your claims, because there is none. You cannot contradict Dr.Bests statements, because they are true. So you are reduced to mindless flaming.

In the short run some people might applaud you for freeing information and "contributing" to the E2 scene as a whole.

In the long run your actions will cause good coders like Dr.Best to lose interest in developing for E2 and/or stop releasing their projects to the public. Which will be far more detrimental to the scene than you are able to fathom.