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Member Since 4 May 2008
Offline Last Active 14 Jun 2024 13:38

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In Topic: OpenWebif streaming port not open

14 June 2024 - 13:05

Thank you for the passing on to the developers :)

Yes, following the configuration from OpenWebif also makes sense!

In Topic: OpenWebif streaming port not open

14 June 2024 - 12:08

Thank you for the explanation!

Maybe then it would make sense to remove the option for streaming port from OpeWebif, as changing it it will only break things?

In Topic: OpenWebif streaming port not open

14 June 2024 - 10:28

Yes, it still persists on 8001.

In Topic: OpenWebif streaming port not open

13 June 2024 - 20:13

We're getting somewhere. 8001 is indeed the streaming port, however it isn't following the configuration, which is 8080 and is added in the stream urls, e.g:




Reverting the port to 8001 makes the links work, as they are now using the correct port.

But it still makes me wonder when did it break and stopped following the configuration.

In Topic: OpenWebif streaming port not open

13 June 2024 - 13:31

I am not saying it is the default port for streaming. I might have changed it to 8080 in the past at some point. I have this stb for about 10 years already so it's hard to remember what was the original port. But streaming was working fine on 8080 and now it is not. So I am trying to understand where to look for any hints why the 8080 is not open.