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#537731 AutoBouquetMaker for multiples satellites

Posted by blzr on 19 March 2016 - 17:33

speaking of recipe adjustments...

WARNING: File 'usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/AutoBouquets/autobouquetsreader' from enigma2-plugin-extensions-autobouquets was already stripped, this will prevent future debugging!
WARNING: QA Issue: enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-autobouquetsmaker: Files/directories were installed but not shipped in any package:
Please set FILES such that these items are packaged. Alternatively if they are unneeded, avoid installing them or delete them within do_install.
enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-autobouquetsmaker: 3 installed and not shipped files. [installed-vs-shipped]

patch that silence these warnings attached


Attached Files

#533624 Autoexecute script at startup

Posted by blzr on 26 February 2016 - 20:52

well, and 'setting as startup service' some reliable channel wouldn't solve this transponder time issue in most cases?

this feature would seem to be made exactly for this...

#533007 Testing image for the Dream Multimedia DM7020 HD

Posted by blzr on 23 February 2016 - 15:13

oops, in your case full command should be:
MACHINE=dm7020hd bitbake -b ~/enigma2/enigma2.bb

#532948 Testing image for the Dream Multimedia DM7020 HD

Posted by blzr on 23 February 2016 - 09:04

you can try the following:
1) modify c++ files in your local enigma2 tree
2) cd openpli4/build
3) source env.source
4) bitbake -b ~/enigma2/enigma2.bb
5) if everything goes fine, you should find enigma2 stripped binary somewhere in ~/enigma2/build/ (won't tell you off the top of my head now ;))
6) stop e2 on box > replace binary with your own > start e2 > see what happens...

#526558 Openpli-5 (still next master)

Posted by blzr on 22 January 2016 - 14:36

actually it should be:
DEPENDS = "hostperl-runtime-native"

#506534 What is the utility of .sc and .ap files around .ts files in MoviePlayer?

Posted by blzr on 25 September 2015 - 07:37

try 'reconstructapsc' plugin

#479961 zapping without restarting the stream

Posted by blzr on 8 March 2015 - 15:08

actually, streaming without restarting vlc session is possible now,
- first you need to get the m3u play list for given bouquet (by clicking on the tv icon next to bouquet name),
- and then you can change streamed service by double click its name in the play list (without stopping current stream or restarting vlc)

unfortunately there are shortcomings in this:
1. when you change the channel through the m3u vlc list, the 'zap before stream' feature is ignored (what makes this a bit useless for single tuner boxes)
2. also this automatically generated list lacks service sid extrainf despite you have option 'add service name to stream information' enabled, what prevents streaming of certain channels (with shared pmt)

you can generate playlist for your bouqet(s), and then you need to modify manually entry for each service, changing the stream address, like in this example:


then, if you have 'zap before stream' checkbox ticked, you should be able to zapstream using your vlc playlist...


tip: you can get this desired address by right clicking on a stream icon of given channel and then 'copy link location'

#479318 blindscan et 9500

Posted by blzr on 4 March 2015 - 21:37

oh, and after further investigation, seems that this commit:
did 'adapt' a bit to much,
blindscan binaries are not located inside the plugin dir anymore...

diff --git a/blindscan/src/plugin.py b/blindscan/src/plugin.py
index a123053..250b98c 100644
--- a/blindscan/src/plugin.py
+++ b/blindscan/src/plugin.py
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ except:
 from time import strftime, time
-BIN_BLINDSCAN_DIR = "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/Blindscan/bin/"
 XML_FILE = None
 _supportNimType = { 'AVL1208':'', 'AVL6222':'6222_', 'AVL6211':'6211_', 'BCM7356':'bcm7346_'}
@@ -602,18 +601,12 @@ class Blindscan(ConfigListScreen, Screen):
                        status_box_start_freq = temp_start_int_freq + uni_lnb_loc_osc[band]
                        status_box_end_freq = temp_end_int_freq + uni_lnb_loc_osc[band]
-               try:
-                       if os.path.exists(BIN_BLINDSCAN_DIR):
-                               os.system('chmod 755 %s/*' % BIN_BLINDSCAN_DIR)
-               except:
-                       pass
                if boxtype.startswith('vu'):
-                               cmd = "%s%s %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d" % (BIN_BLINDSCAN_DIR, self.binName, temp_start_int_freq, temp_end_int_freq, self.blindscan_start_symbol.value, self.blindscan_stop_symbol.value, tab_pol[pol], tab_hilow[band], self.feid, self.getNimSocket(self.feid))
+                               cmd = "%s %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d" % (self.binName, temp_start_int_freq, temp_end_int_freq, self.blindscan_start_symbol.value, self.blindscan_stop_symbol.value, tab_pol[pol], tab_hilow[band], self.feid, self.getNimSocket(self.feid))
                        except: return
                elif boxtype.startswith('et'):
-                       cmd = "%savl_xtrend_blindscan %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d" % (BIN_BLINDSCAN_DIR, temp_start_int_freq, temp_end_int_freq, self.blindscan_start_symbol.value, self.blindscan_stop_symbol.value, tab_pol[pol], tab_hilow[band], self.feid, self.getNimSocket(self.feid)) # commented out by Huevos cmd = "avl_xtrend_blindscan %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d" % (self.blindscan_start_frequency.value/1000000, self.blindscan_stop_frequency.value/1000000, self.blindscan_start_symbol.value, self.blindscan_stop_symbol.value, tab_pol[pol], tab_hilow[band], self.feid, self.getNimSocket(self.feid))
+                       cmd = "avl_xtrend_blindscan %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d" % (temp_start_int_freq, temp_end_int_freq, self.blindscan_start_symbol.value, self.blindscan_stop_symbol.value, tab_pol[pol], tab_hilow[band], self.feid, self.getNimSocket(self.feid)) # commented out by Huevos cmd = "avl_xtrend_blindscan %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d" % (self.blindscan_start_frequency.value/1000000, self.blindscan_stop_frequency.value/1000000, self.blindscan_start_symbol.value, self.blindscan_stop_symbol.value, tab_pol[pol], tab_hilow[band], self.feid, self.getNimSocket(self.feid))
                print "prepared command : [%s]" % (cmd)
                self.thisRun = [] # used to check result corresponds with values used above

on my et9500 this modified blindscan plugin.py works, but someone would need to check what's with vu+ boxes /?/

Attached Files

#479301 blindscan et 9500

Posted by blzr on 4 March 2015 - 20:25

actually, there's little openpli's fault in this (if any ;))


problem lays in xtrend bsp layer (which OE-A doesn't use),
because of 'strange' et-blindscan-dvbs-utils recipe, this package is not built as such, and dvbs blindscan binary is not provided, at the moment;
seems to be pretty easy to solve (IF one would have access to repo / contact with xtrend repo maintainer),

e.g. something like this:

diff --git a/recipes-bsp/drivers/et-blindscan-dvbs-utils.bb b/recipes-bsp/drivers/et-blindscan-dvbs-utils.bb
index 48b4cdf..1f63c2d 100644
--- a/recipes-bsp/drivers/et-blindscan-dvbs-utils.bb
+++ b/recipes-bsp/drivers/et-blindscan-dvbs-utils.bb
@@ -3,13 +3,15 @@ SECTION = "base"
 PRIORITY = "optional"
-SRC_URI = "http://www.xtrendet.net/enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-blindscan_1.4_mipsel.zip"
+SRC_URI = "http://xtrendet.net/xtrend-dvbs-blindscan-${PV}.tar.gz"
 PROVIDES += "virtual/blindscan-dvbs"
 RPROVIDES_${PN} += "virtual/blindscan-dvbs"
 PV = "1.0"
-PR = "r7"
+PR = "r8"
 S = "${WORKDIR}"
@@ -17,11 +19,11 @@ do_compile() {
 do_install() {
-    install -m 0755 -d ${DEPLOY_DIR_IPK}/${MACHINE}
-    install -m 0644 enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-blindscan_1.4_mipsel.ipk ${DEPLOY_DIR_IPK}/${MACHINE}
+       install -d "${D}/${bindir}"
+       install -m 0755 "${S}/avl_xtrend_blindscan" "${D}/${bindir}"
-SRC_URI[md5sum] = "50e866cd0e33825260442ba39212f0ea"
-SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "f854a6924e932615dd76716b94fd80221ee35382cecc630a063d5f4f5db36a80"
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "194e60464f9d65d68f625cda1bc19b4d"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "f2d21945afc0a06a5ac1fc23617948380a4c117f940029251ae9373c69c5b730"

(just an example, of course in this case archive with avl_xtend_blindscan binary should be put on xtrend's server)

and one more related change, in meta-dream:

diff --git a/meta-dream/recipes-bsp/drivers/dreambox-blindscan-utils_1.7.bb b/meta-dream/recipes-bsp/drivers/dreambox-blindscan-utils_1.7.bb
index a42794c..0086113 100644
--- a/meta-dream/recipes-bsp/drivers/dreambox-blindscan-utils_1.7.bb
+++ b/meta-dream/recipes-bsp/drivers/dreambox-blindscan-utils_1.7.bb
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 SUMMARY = "Utilities needed to do transponder blindscan with dreambox dvb receivers"

 PROVIDES += "virtual/blindscan-dvbs virtual/blindscan-dvbc"
 RPROVIDES_${PN} += "virtual/blindscan-dvbs virtual/blindscan-dvbc"

Attached Files

#477041 Openwebif and Mutant hd2400

Posted by blzr on 20 February 2015 - 18:08


diff --git a/meta-openpli/recipes-openpli/enigma2-plugins/enigma2-plugin-extensions-openwebif.bbappend b/meta-openpli/recipes-openpli/enigma2-plugins/enigma2-plugin-extensions-openwebif.bbappend
index 80227ab..845c361 100644
--- a/meta-openpli/recipes-openpli/enigma2-plugins/enigma2-plugin-extensions-openwebif.bbappend
+++ b/meta-openpli/recipes-openpli/enigma2-plugins/enigma2-plugin-extensions-openwebif.bbappend
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ python do_package_prepend () {
         ('vuduo2', 'duo2.jpg', 'vu_normal.png'),
         ('vuultimo', 'ultimo.jpg', 'vu_ultimo.png'),
         ('vuuno', 'uno.jpg', 'vu_normal.png'),
-        (hd1100', 'hd1100.jpg', 'hd1100.png'),
-        (hd2400', 'hd2400.jpg', 'hd2400.png'),
+        ('hd1100', 'hd1100.jpg', 'hd1100.png'),
+        ('hd2400', 'hd2400.jpg', 'hd2400.png'),
     import os
     top = '${D}${PLUGINPATH}/public/images/'

#472006 GStreamer 1.0

Posted by blzr on 25 January 2015 - 20:45

and don't forget to set gst_version 1.0, and point to proper dvbmediasink plugin in your machine config (otherwise you still end up with gstreamer 0.10, despite building from gstreamer-1 branch)...


diff --git a/conf/machine/include/et.inc b/conf/machine/include/et.inc
index b4d5c81..f563128 100644
--- a/conf/machine/include/et.inc
+++ b/conf/machine/include/et.inc

- gst-plugin-dvbmediasink \
+ gstreamer1.0-plugin-dvbmediasink \
ntfs-3g \

DVBMEDIASINK_CONFIG = "--with-wma --with-wmv --with-pcm --with-dts --with-eac3"
+GST_VERSION = "1.0"

TARGET_ARCH = "mipsel"
DEFAULTTUNE ?= "mips32el"

#454937 Is it possible to select several files in MoviePlayer?

Posted by blzr on 14 November 2014 - 21:56

maybe as in emc with a context menu ?

in emc you go in a directory with movies and then you press button menu then it comes a context menu and here you can scroll to a entry that is named mark all

then all movies in this directory are marked (all movies then are shows on left side an arrow so that we can see they are marked) and now you can copy or move them


well, never used EMC, but from your description it sounds that's not that much of added value then...

you can do the same in openpli by moving/copying/ whole directory


on the other hand, to be able to mark only certain items in the folder to move/copy/delete at once, it would be really an improvement (fingers crossed ;))

#453796 user script on green button.

Posted by blzr on 8 November 2014 - 16:00

hmm, ok i changed my mind

@littlesat had somehow anticipated this, apparently ;)

#447784 HOTKEY - problems / suggestions

Posted by blzr on 5 October 2014 - 21:21

and it is able, as far as I understood (see @ims explanations above #152),
in vu, the 'epg/guide' button is the 'info' button actually, so you need to assign function to 'Info' in Hotkey setup

#445354 HOTKEY - problems / suggestions

Posted by blzr on 22 September 2014 - 21:39

I suppose this might come in handy:

hotkeyFunctions.append((_("Software update"), "Module/Screens.SoftwareUpdate/UpdatePlugin"))