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Member Since 11 May 2008
Offline Last Active 04 Jan 2018 15:52

Topics I've Started

Polish EPG on Sirius 5E

15 March 2015 - 17:36

Is it possible to remove from Poland channel list next services,

cause they all have Polish EPG: 


Viasat Explore 1_0_1_1B8A_9_56_300000_0_0_0

Viasat History 1_0_1_17A2_8_56_300000_0_0_0

Viasat Nature East 1_0_1_178E_8_56_300000_0_0_0


Or this is caused by something else?



RuTV Eutelsat 9A

11 March 2015 - 09:42

Don't know, where to add, but here is one request for RuTV EPG on Eutelsat 9A (9.0E):




Or this channel added already somewhere?