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#411963 Enigma2 and BBC/ITV at 27.5W Intelsat - a big challenge

Posted by doublet on 16 March 2014 - 08:20

Sorry gyus, I was too busy last weeks. Here is updated version:


Attached File  bbc_pmt_v5.zip   2.26KB   663 downloads


New: added subtitle PID into CAPMT in long mode (hardcoded as video PID + 4).


Unfortunately, on my original DMM image, I was not able to get subtitle choice via audio menu, maybe with OpenPLI it will be better. Only option how to turn on subtitles was to ad c:09... into lamedb (and to turn off, remove c:09...).



BBC One HD: c:0919cd0101

BBC Two HD: c:0917d90101

BBC Three HD: c:091b5d0101


You can see that subtitle PID is always video PID + 4.


#378808 Enigma2 and BBC/ITV at 27.5W Intelsat - a big challenge

Posted by doublet on 9 October 2013 - 07:03

scrambled PMT on BBC-SATBACK package - status report




If service (a TV channel) is to be scrambled, usually packets carrying audio and video streams (PES) are scrambled. Other data (carried by means of section packets like PAT, PMT, SDT) are broadcasted clear. For example PMT section describes streams belonging to service (audio, video, subtitles, ...). This is vital information for E2 and CAM to know which streams are to be presented.


In BBC-SATBACK package, PMT of each service (TV or radio channel) is scrambled, so E2 and CAM are missing this - E2 doesn't know what to present and CAM doesn't know what to descramble.




My bbc_pmt* script instructs CAM (by means of CAPMT data) to descramble PMT PID first. After descrambled PMT is available on demux, it is received normally by E2. Then E2 instructs CAM in standard way (E2-generated CAPMT data) to descramble audio, video,.....


So far I've got 2 positive feedbacks on this approach on Dreambox receivers and one negative feedback on ET9000 receiver.

On ET9000, problem seems to be drivers. Despite CAM sets PMT pid and sends correct control words to CA device, descrambled PMT doesn't appear on demux.


#375155 Enigma2 and BBC/ITV at 27.5W Intelsat - a big challenge

Posted by doublet on 22 September 2013 - 21:30

Forgot to note, that now "demuxNb = 3" line has to be adapted if necessary.

#375148 Enigma2 and BBC/ITV at 27.5W Intelsat - a big challenge

Posted by doublet on 22 September 2013 - 21:11



I now have BBC, ITV and CH4 in northern Italy (minus BBC HD channels), on 28E, with my T90.


However, a really good thing to see from a hobbyist point of view!!! ;)


Still, non-IT pros would like to know a few missing details... :)


Where to check which demux our boxes use, please?


Also, where to put the file you attached?


You can only run it via Telnet?


Just to make sure we all... :D




I don't really know how to check which demux is actually used. Maybe E2 experts could give some hint how to obtain demux number from E2.

Easyest way is now to check what demuxes are under /dev/dvb/adapterX and just try. Now I see a bug regarding demux setting in capmt.... corrected script here:

Attached File  bbc_pmt.zip   1KB   128 downloads


I've got it in /home/root, but /usr/script would be fine too... it doensn't matter much where it is located.

I run it via telnet, but for sure there are also other options... like start it at receiver boot.

#374893 Enigma2 and BBC/ITV at 27.5W Intelsat - a big challenge

Posted by doublet on 22 September 2013 - 06:56

Robinson and all who are interested on BBC-SATBACK package,

I have written (my very first one) python script, which helps a little E2 with these channels: if no PMT is received, it sends PMT PID in CAPMT data to CAM.


Attached File  bbc_pmt.zip   1002bytes   231 downloads


- unpack archive

- edit the "demux = "/dev/dvb/adapter0/demux3"" line if needed (on my DM7020HD demux3 is used)

- upload to your box

- make it executable (chmod 755 bbc_pmt.py)

- run it on background (./bbc_pmt.py &)

- make sure channels have no "4" flag set in lamedb

- zap