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Member Since 2 Oct 2013
Offline Last Active 12 May 2014 07:46

Topics I've Started

gettig error downloading plugin

10 October 2013 - 17:11

Hi everybody
I have a dm800hd and I have installed Openpli 3.0. All is working ok but not the same when I try to download new plugins.
Do you know if there is any problen with the repository?
If I want a new plugin I have to download it on the web and I have to do a manual installation.
Thank you friends

dflash installing problems

2 October 2013 - 05:20

Hello everybody,

first of all I apologize for my bad English.


Your help will be highly appreciated.


I have a Sunray SR4 dm800se with flash A8P + flash pen 4 gb + hdd 160gb.



I'd like to make a backupe but the problem is that I can't install any version of dflash.

The plugin is installed (I can find it inside the machine if I want uninstall it) but it doesn't appear in the list of installed plugins.


I encountered the same problem with PRZ drivers for trial tunar and Barry Allen plugin.


I tried to install the plugin with each method.


Can you help me? Do you have any suggestions for me?


Thank-you in advance